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The present situation has somehow changed everyone's daily life style. In the normal situation, I would never have been able to sit on the bed and write a blog like this. Here I am going to write a short account of my today's activities.

Baishakh 27th, 2077

Today, I awoke at 5:30 AM, but couldn't leave the bed. I got up at 5 to six and tuned on the radio for Kayakairan[News from Ujyaalo 90 Network]. Then fell on the bed and listened to the news until 6:30 AM. Then, I got fresh. I had to wait till 8:30 AM for a cup of black tea as my daughter[Bunu] did not get up util that time. After she got up I prepared tea and Basu fetched the water from the tap. After that Basu got busy in household work. My duty was to make my daughter do some study. I gave her to write 1=One to 20= Twenty,Aa to Zz, Fill up the gaps[a__c__e .... . She did well all except some. I helped in difficulty. Then,my daughter started playing with her friend[Motu]. We [ Basu and Me] went to chhat and got freshed. Then I started surfing the net and Basu kept herself busy in preparing lunch.After sometime, I joined her and prepared salat [Chatarmatar].

It had been 10:10 AM when we had our lunch. After lunch Bunu brushed her teeth and went to play with Mayara[ Her friend]. Then she started washing pots and I cleaned the kitchen and brushed my teeth and visited various sites on the internet. After 3 years back I found my first blog which I had created in 2011 AD. I found that it was updated in 2017 once. It took me more than 2 hours to decorate a little bit.At around 1:00 I had a bath, washed my clothes and got refreshed.I also wanted to check my bike but my laziness overcame it. After that I added some new menus and edited some posts on my blog.[ ]
Along with this, today I watched two Hindi films[Intelligent Khiladi and Battalion 609] as well. Basundhara accompanied me with the first  one. But the second one, I lone. 
At about 4:00, I had snacks[Noodle+Pasta]which was tasty but too hot. Then I continued with my blog. In between that I tried to do some online courses but I did not find any interesting topic today.
Along with blogging, I updated my Facebook Group[Siddhababa SEE Batch-2076] with some useful contents for SEE candidates. 
Then there was a messenger call from Hari Gyawali sir, we talk this and that for about 10 minutes. Then I continued updating my blog. There was Parbati did today at our house so I did not have to support Basu for preparing supper. Today, Bunu slept at about 5 PM so I couldn't play with her. At about 8:30 PM we had our supper. Then Bunu and me watched a short video clip about English Rhymes for kids.
Now it has been 9:30PM, and I am planning to publish this post.

Thank you for your patience. I always hope for your constructive feedback.  

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